Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ava Is 5!

I cannot believe my tiny preemie is 5! The years have gone by so very quickly, here is this past one:

Okay, actually she turned 5 on Feb. 21st, but I just haven't had the motivation to blog lately.

She is reading pretty well now. We are still doing home school preschool stuff, for the most part. I think she'll be ready for kindergarten. Will I? That's yet to be determined. :)
I finally decided that, if we move by then, she will go to school outside home. She just loves being with other kids so much!
I say 'if we move' because the public schools are not the best here, and even the one private school is not too great. I just heard that a friend of ours actually pulled his first grader out and put her in the only half-way decent public school here. So, we are really hoping daddy finds a job elsewhere soon! Yes, we are still hoping for St. Augustine, but we'll see where God takes us. Even if it's here, we'll make the best of it just like we have so far!

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year Already?!

I can't believe it is 2010! I really do think 2009 went by faster than any year before for us! I wonder if people will finally start saying twenty instead of two-thousand, like twenty-ten when they say the year. Probably not, I've just wondered that since new year's eve for 2001. I mean, we never said one-thousand nine hundred ninety-whatever (or however you write that out).

Aaaanway, obviously, one of my resolutions for this year should be to blog more. That is, instead of just being consistent with updating my background (did I really just put a Valentine's day theme up?!). I've actually gotten a little obsessed with cafe world on facebook recently. Facebook is addictive enough (never thought I'd even be on there) without adding in some pretty fun games!

Christmas was pretty great for the most part. One downside was the basset hound, Ringo, I left at home when I moved out had to be put to sleep the week before Christmas. He was very old and had been very sick just before. I will really miss seeing and petting him greatly when I visit every month. My mother was quite upset about it, but she seems to be doing good now.

Ava got more Christmas presents than we planned on. But then that includes all she got from both grandmothers (I guess if you factor those in, she'll always be overloaded!). She did get the main thing she was asking for, a Strawberry Shortcake Cafe set. And we did make it to see Santa, as a sort of last-minute thing when we were leaving Memphis. She didn't want to go for the longest time, but then one day she said she had to tell him what she wanted before Christmas.
I guess she'll be talking about her birthday soon. Her birthday is a lot closer to Christmas (February) than it was supposed to be! As she was not due until April. She has already said she wants a Kai-Lan birthday party, and it has to be a surprise. She wants "a lot of people to jump out and yell surprise" (with a lot of balloons and gifts). She is so funny! I told her we'd work on it.

Well, there are a lot of things I could say I want to happen this year, but I really do just want to follow God's plan for us. Hence the blog description I've always had. It is the only way to find true and utmost happiness that everyone seems to be searching for. And the only way to try to understand and deal with the tougher seasons of life. Ya know, when life feels like a box of chocolates.:)

Happy New Year everyone! I pray it's a great one for us all!